
- 「英会話スクールを立ち上げたきっかけ・経緯は何ですか?」
- 「具体的なカリキュラム・料金体系等について教えてください。」
- 「他の英会話教室との違いや、独自性などがあれば教えてください。」
- 「使用する英会話教材は、具体的にどういったものですか?」
- 「どういった経歴の講師の方が在籍していますか?」
- 「生徒への指導方法で、意識していることがあれば教えてもらえますか?」
- 「教室やクラス全体の雰囲気はどうですか?」
- 「学生や社会人の方など、具体的にどういった生徒さんが多いですか?」
- 「無料体験レッスンなどはありますか?ある場合はどのように申し込めばいいですか?」
- 「最後に英会話学習に興味のある読者の方に向けて、一言お願いします!」
Q1. What is/are the reasons and/or the background for opening your English school?
There was a growing need to specialize in adult education at various levels of fluency to meet the needs of people and the global aspects of business and industry.
Q2. Please tell us the detailed curriculum and the charging system.
All students receive “Phonics” training no matter what curriculum they pursue. The general English curriculum is the most popular. It fits the needs of most people. We also have Business English which is much more difficult but fits people who are more advanced and are involved in business which requires English skills. The Medical English curriculum is very helpful to nurses and hospital workers. The Discussion curriculum is popular for advanced students that want to focus on spoken English skills. We discuss an array of world topics everything from foods to technology. Customized curriculum is a specialized area that is tailored for a specific need such as Engineering and Management concepts or grammar heavy for TOEIC testing etc.
The new pricing was set at 3,000 yen per lesson in 2017.
It was the first increase in 10 years. The old price was 2,000 yen per lesson.
The price increase was due to tax, paper and ink price increases. However, students can still get the old price if they “sign up” with a one time payment of 5,000 yen. As long as they take 12 lessons per year, they get to keep the old price for as long they wish. If you want to take lessons long term it is a very good deal!
We DO NOT use contracts! You are welcome to start, quit, or restart at any time you like. There are NO hidden fees of any kind. We DO NOT send computer SPAM.
Q3. Please tell us the uniqueness of your school and/or the difference than other English schools if any.
We do not teach children. Occasionally we will accept a Jr. high or high school student who is advanced and wants to study abroad or improve their skills.
We focus mostly on adult education. For the last 2 years we have been involved with a maritime engineering and management program that was put together by The University of Tokyo and MIT in Boston. It is a very advanced 3 month program of English and discussions regarding a wide range of concepts. These deal with management and problem solving and topics such as Aggregation and Feasibility studies. There is TOEIC testing in Fukuoka that is required. Afterwards the student will do 3 months of study at MIT in Boston. As for the English study at Pappaushi English it is comprised of between 8-10 one hour sessions per week for 3 months. The corporations reimburse the student. They consider it a great investment for their top people and the future of their business.
We have also worked with members of the Japan Self Defense Force which is very helpful to them for their interfacing with U.S., British and Australian military units in training exercises. At least one has in fact become a full time instructor teaching military English in Hokkaido. His dedication made me feel good as a teacher.
Q4. What teaching materials do you use?
The material for our teaching is very traditional. It is printed material that every student may take home for study. We draw from a large library of material that we have spent over 10 years putting together. The new Engineering and Management Program has added a new top level category to our library.
教材は昔からよく使われてきたプリントです。生徒さんが自宅へ持ち帰り自宅でも勉強できます。10年以上かかりまとめてきた膨大な教材のライブラリの中から毎回教材として使います。 新しくエンジニアリングとマネージメントプログラムもそのライブラリのトップレベルとして最近追加しました。
Q5. What backgrounds of teachers are in your school?
Currently I am the only instructor and my background is Electronics and Engineering. However…. if we should need additional instructors in the future, I would prefer that they would be graduate students themselves in areas such as Medical, Business and Engineering. I have nothing against English majors. Industry graduates also have very strong English skills, it is a requirement. It is my opinion that industry graduates can relate to students much closer from the World Economic perspective. They are very “in-touch” with the skills needed to help Japanese English students succeed in the world economy. As well, it is my opinion that the “old school” idea of “Only English majors can teach English” has proved to be insufficient in the modern times that we live in.
Q6. Is there any consideration in your teaching methods?
Very much so! That is why face to face teaching will always be superior to other anti-social methods such as internet teaching. I can feel when a student is nervous. I can feel when a student in not confident. It is my duty to make that student feel comfortable and give him or her confidence.
I also understand every student learns differently, and a mother with 3 children and a husband that works long hours will have very limited time for study so we try to work around those tough issues.
We use our mistakes and failures as stepping stones to our development. We don’t hide them or feel bad. We laugh them off and learn from them. Very important.
Q7. How is atmosphere in your class?
The atmosphere is relaxed and casual. I NEVER wear a tie. I am not here to impress I am here to communicate. I want my students to be relaxed and comfortable. I want them to have confidence, that seems to be a weak point for many students but I keep trying.
Q8. What kind of students do you mainly have? Children, high school students or workers?
We started in 2007. I have had students from every walk of life even children as young as 3 years old. Currently I have one Jr. High-school student, one medical doctor, one pharmacist, a couple of Japan Self Defense Force students, Navy base workers, one retail manager, hospital workers, a number of administrators, one professional driver and one group of 3-4 students that come here from Saga prefecture.
So you can see, that there is a great diversity of people wanting or needing to improve their skills.
Q9. Do you provide a free trial lesson? If so, please specify how to apply.
Originally we did provide a free trial lesson but we no longer do that.
It proved to be a very bad idea. It was a bad business model for us.
It could have been better if we operated from the contract approach, but I wanted to stay away from that because at that time there were some very bad actors operating so called English Schools. In fact it was just a big scam.
I didn’t want people to think we were like them. So we took a different approach. Of course, the Japanese government stepped in and put an end to these scam operations. I was very happy to see that.
Q10. Please give brief words to readers interested in learning English to call their attention to your English school.
No contracts to sign.
Money savings program for long term students.
Group students discounts.
You can design your own curriculum.
No hidden costs.
As of 2020, 13 years experience.
Casual atmosphere, reasonable cost.
Other (specify if any)
Sayings from Pappaushi:
English is like baseball. It’s a skill… Practice it.
Step up to what frightens you…. that is the first step to confidence.
You can read 100 books about baseball… but you will never play baseball until you step on to the field and feel the sweat.
If you want to be a good artist look around. Art is all around you.
Draw it… draw everything…. yes even the toilet!
Now…. learn English!
People look for magic but fail to understand where magic comes from.
It’s inside of YOU!! It’s called HARD WORK!!
Make mistakes. Make lots of mistakes. Mistakes = Learning.
英語は野球のようなものです。それはスキルなのです… 練習をするのです。
あなたを怖がらせるものに向かうのです…. それが自信への第一歩です。
あなたが良い画家になりたいなら、周りを見てください。アートはあなたの周りにあります。見たものを描くのです… 何でも描くのです…. そうですトイレさえもです!
間違えるのです。たくさん間違えるのです。「間違い= 学習」です。
運営者情報 | パパウシイングリッシュ |
設立 | 2007年 |
コース・クラスの種類 | 目的に応じたマンツーマンレッスン ※友人や家族とであれば、少人数のグループレッスンとして利用も可 |
スクールの所在地 | 〒857-0018 長崎県佐世保市横尾町2415-2 横尾ハイツA201号〔駐車場1台あり〕 |
公式サイトURL | |